Estonian manors Market Overview 2015

2015 was a period in the main buildings of the manor complex with 12 transactions , deleting transactions , where the property was located only in the former manor outbuilding . Transaction prices ranged from 3500 – 492 000. Parties to the transactions referred to in the transaction price of up to 62,000 euros on the expensive side , and the transactions carried out in the range of 177,500 to 492,000 euros . The average land area of 17 hectares , with an average area of more expensive land transactions was 35.5 ha , and the highest was about 70 hectares , which made ​​the second transaction was the high cost . The manor complex attractiveness of the real estate market is determined by the architecture of the main building and the state , serving the main building of the complex, integrity or availability of auxiliary buildings , location and location history, Manor Park and the species richness of the land area .

See the full review here :

2015.a Eesti mõisate turuülevaade

Mullu müüdi Eestis 12 mõisat _ Uudised _ ERR